Because the genre of arts-informed research moves beyond the borders of conventional social science research methodologies and reaches out to various art forms, it is difficult, if not impossible, to put together a comprehensive reading list. The possibilities for accessing informative, inspirational, and relevant material are almost limitless.
So, the following list of reading materials is intended to serve as a starting point for explorations of arts-informed research. The list is divided into sections: required readings for everyone, recommended readings, and genre-specific references for independent study. In some areas there is considerably more published scholarly material available than in other areas. This is reflected in the reading lists. Part of the in-depth study of particular art forms will involve searching for additional material in the area. Please feel free to contribute to this list which will be updated on the website.
Required Readings
1) Boyden, Joseph. (2005). Three Day Road. New York: Penguin. ISBN 0-670-03431-2
2) Cole, A. L., Neilsen, L., Knowles, J. G., & Luciani, T. (Eds.) (2004) Provoked by art: Theorizing arts-informed research. Halifax, NS/Toronto, ON: Backalong Books/Centre for Arts-informed Research.
3) Knowles, J. G., & Cole, A. L. (Eds.). (2008). Handbook of the arts in qualitative research: Perspectives, methods, examples and issues. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
4) Knowles, J. G., Luciani, T., Cole, A. L., & Neilsen, L. (Eds.). (2007). The art of visual inquiry. Halifax, NS/Toronto, ON: Backalong Books/Centre for Arts-informed Research.
5) Knowles, J. G., Promislow, S., & Cole, A. L. (Eds.) (2008). Creating scholartistry: Imagining the arts-informed thesis or dissertation. Halifax, Nova Scotia & Toronto, Ontario: Backalong Books & Centre for Arts-informed Research.
6) Sameshima, P. (2007). Seeing Red: A pedagogy of parallax: An epistolary bildungsroman on artful scholarly inquiry. Youngstown, NY: Cambria Press.
7) Neilsen, L., Cole, A. L., & Knowles, J. G. (Eds.). (2001). The art of writing inquiry. Halifax, NS/Toronto, ON: Backalong Books/Centre for Arts-informed Research.
Atksinson, P. (1992). Understanding ethnographic texts. Newbury park: Sage.
Banks, A., & Banks, S. P. (Eds.) (1998). Fiction and social science research: By ice or fire. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.
Bagley, C., & Cancienne, M. B. (2002). Dancing the data. New York: Lesley College Arts and Learning Series and Peter Lang.
Barone, T. (2008). How arts-based research can change minds. In M. Cahnmann-Taylor & R. Siegesmund (Eds.), Arts-based research in education. Foundations for practice (pp. 27-49). New York: Routledge. Barone, T. (2006). Arts-based educational research then, now and later. Studies in Art Education, 48(1), 4-8.
Barone, T. (2000). Aesthetics, politics, and educational inquiry: Essays and examples. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
Barone, T. & Eisner, E. (1997). Arts-based educational research. In R. M. Jaeger (Ed.),Complementary methods for research in education, 2nd Edition (pp. 72-116). Washington: American Educational Research Association.
Barry, D. (1996). Artful inquiry: A symbolic constructivist approach to social science research. Qualitative Inquiry, 2(4). Barthes, R. (1985). The responsibility of forms: Critical essays on music, art, and representation. New York:Hill and Wang.
Barthes, R. (1977). Image, music, text. New York: Hill and Wang.
Cahnmann-Taylor, M., & Siegesmund, R. (2008). Arts-Based Research in Education: Foundations for Practice. New York: Routledge.
Cancienne, M. B., & Bagley, C. (2002). Dancing the data too. CD-ROM. New York: Lesley College Arts and Learning Series and Peter Lang.
Carter, K. (1993). The place of story in the study of teaching and teacher education.Educational Researcher, 22(9), 5-12.
Clough, P. (2002). Narratives and fiction in educational research. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press.
Clifford, J. (1988). The predicament of culture: Twentieth century ethnography, literature and art. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Clifford J. & Marcus G. (Eds.) (1986) Writing culture: The poetics and politics of ethnography. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Cole, A. L., & Knowles, J. G. (2001). Lives in context: The art of life history research. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.
Cole, A. L., & McIntyre, M. with L. Burns (2006). Living and dying with dignity: The Alzheimer’s project. Halifax, NS/Toronto, ON: Backalong Books/The Centre for Arts-informed Research.
Coulis, Michael J. (2010). Expanding the boundaries of cartography: Journies beyond the neat line/essay and works by Michael J. Coulis, exhibition curated by David L. Jones, foreword by Alphonso Lingis. Edmonton, AB: University of Alberta Libraries. Denzin, N. K. (2003). Performance ethnography: Critical pedagogy and the politics of culture. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Denzin, N. (1997). Interpretive ethnography: Ethnographic practices for the 21st century.London: Sage Publications.
Denzin, N. K. & Lincoln, Y. S. (Eds.) (2000). The handbook of qualitative research.Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Diamond, C. T. P., & Mullen, C. A. (Eds.) (1999). The postmodern educator: Arts-based inquiries and teacher development. New York: Peter Lang.
Duncum, P. (2001). How are we to understand art at the beginning of the twenty-first century? In. P. Duncum & T. Bracey (Eds.) On knowing art and visual culture (pp. 15-33). Christchurch, NZ: Canterbury University Press. Eisner, E. (1997). The promise and perils of alternative forms of data representation.Educational Researcher, 26(6), 4-10.
Ellis, C. & Bochner, A. (Eds.) (1996). Composing ethnography: Alternative forms of qualitative writing. Walnut Creek: Alta Mira Press.
Ellis, C., & Bochner, A. P. (Eds.).Composing ethnography: Alternative forms of qualitative writing. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.
Finlay, L. & Gough, B. (Eds.) (2003). Reflexivity: A practical guide for researchers in health and social sciences. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Finley, S. (2003). Arts-based inquiry in QI: Seven years from crisis to guerrilla warfare.Qualitative Inquiry, 9(2), 281-296.
Finley, S. & Mullen, C. (Eds.) (2003). [Special issue]. Qualitative Inquiry, 9(2).
Gablik, S. (1991). Introduction: Changing paradigms, breaking the cultural trance. In S. Gablik. The reenchantment of art (pp. 1-12). London, UK: Thames and Hudson.
Gray, R., & Sinding, C. (2002). Standing ovation: Performing social science research about cancer. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.
Heaton, D. (2002). Creativity: Between chaos and order or my life as a messy text – A case study and a challenge. American Communication Journal, 6(1). Available:
Irwin, R. L., & deCosson, A. F. (Eds.). (2004). A/r/tography: Rendering self through arts-based living inquiry. Vancouver, BC: Pacific Educational Press.
Jipson, J. & Paley, N. (1995). Finding art’s place: Experiments in contemporary education and culture. New York: Routledge.
Jipson, J., & Paley, N. (Eds.) (1997). Daredevil research: Re-creating analytic practice. New York: Peter Lang.
Kester, G. H. (1997). Aesthetics after the end of art: An interview with Susan Buck-Morss.Art Journal, 56, 38-43.
King, T. (2003). The truth about stories: A Native narrative. Toronto, ON: House of Anansi Press.
Leavy, P. (2009). Method meets art: Arts-based research practice. New York: The Guilford Press.
McKenzie, J. (2001). Perform or else: From discipline to performance. London and New York: Routledge.
McNiff, S. (2000). Arts-based research. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley.
Madigan, P. (1986). The modern project to rigor. University of America Press.
Marcus (Eds.), Writing culture: The poetics and politics of ethnography (pp. 122-140). Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Mitchell, C., & Weber, S. (1998). Reinventing ourselves as teachers: Beyond nostalgia. London, UK; The Falmer Press.
Mullen, C. (1997). Imprisoned selves: An inquiry into prisons and academe. New York: University Press of America.
Mullen, C. A., & Diamond,C. T. P. (Eds.). Journal of Curriculum Theorizing (Special Issue) (2001) 17(2) Summer.
Mullen, C. A., Buttignol, M., & Diamond, C. T. P. (2005). Flyboy: Using the arts and theater to assist suicidal adolescents. International Journal of Education & the Arts. [Online]. Available:
Neilsen, L. (1998). Knowing her place: Research literacies and feminist occasions. San Francisco/Great Tancook Island, Nova Scotia: Caddo Gap Press/Backalong Books.
Neilsen. L. (2002). Learning from the liminal: Fiction as knowledge. The Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 48(3), 206-214.
Norris, J. R. (1997). Meaning through form: Alternative modes of knowledge representation. In J. Morse (Ed.), Completing a qualitative project: Details and dialogue(pp. 87-115). London: Sage Publications.
Piantanida, M., McMahon. P. L. & Garman, N. B. (2003). Sculpturing the contours of arts-based educational research within a discourse community. Qualitative Inquiry, 9 (2) 182-191.
Prosser, J. (Ed.) (1998). Image-based research: A sourcebook for qualitative researchers. London, UK: Falmer Press.
Richardson, L. (2000). Evaluating ethnography. Qualitative Inquiry, 6(2), 253-255.
Sinner, A., Leggo, C., Irwin, L., Gouzouasis, P., & Grauer, K. (2006). Arts-based educational research dissertations: Reviewing the practices of new scholars. [Electronic Version] Canadian Journal of Education, 20(4), 1223-1270.
Stout, C. J. (Ed.) (2006). Arts-based research in art education [Special issue]. Studies in Art Education, 48(1).
Sullivan, G. (2005). Art practice as research: Inquiry in the visual arts. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Tyler, S. (1986). Post-modern ethnography: From document of the occult, to occult document. In J. Clifford & G.
Watrin, R. (1999). Art as research. Canadian Review of Art Education, 26(2), 92-100.
Weber, S., & Mitchell, C. (Eds.) (2004). Not just any dress: Narratives of memory, body, and identity. New York: Peter Lang.
Winterson, J. (1996). Art objects: Essays on ecstasy and effrontery. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Genre-Specific Readings Note: These are starter lists to be expanded through independent literature search. Also consult required and recommended readings, the list of dissertations, and relevant chapters of the Handbook of the Arts in Qualitative Research.
Visual Art Davis-Halifax, N. V. (2002). Of rose petals and dys-body: The subtle marks of vulnerability. In S. M. Abbey (Ed.), Ways of knowing in and through the body: Diverse perspectives on embodiment (pp. 88-91). Proceedings of the 4th Bi-annual Summer Institute of the Canadian Association for the Study of Women and Education, Toronto, Ontario. Welland, Ontario: Soleil Publishing.
Finley, S. (2001). Painting life histories. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 17(2), 13-26.
Jongeward, C. (1997). Visual portraits: Integrating artistic processes into qualitative research. Canadian Review of Art Education Research and Issues, 24(2), 1-13.
Lipsett, L. M. (2002). On speaking terms again: Transformation of the human-earth relationship through spontaneous painting. In E. V. O’Sullivan, A. Morrell, & M. O’Connor. Expanding the boundaries of transformative learning: Essays on theory and praxis. New York: Palgrave.
McDermott, M. (2002). Collaging pre-service teacher identity. Teacher Education Quarterly, 29(4), pp. 53-68.
Paley, N., & Sullivan, A. M. (2002). Reverse blackboard: Teaching and the unseen. Teacher Education Quarterly, 29(4), pp. 101-117.
Sullivan, G. (2005). Art practice as research: Inquiry in the visual arts. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Weber, S., & Mitchell, C. (2004). Visual artistic modes of representation for self-study. In J. J. Loughran, M. L. Hamilton, V. K. LaBoskey, & T. Russell (Eds). International handbook of self-study of teaching and teacher education practices, Part two (pp. 979-1037). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Photography Bach, H. (1998). Notebook 2. In H. Bach, A visual narrative concerning curriculum, girls, photography etc. Edmonton, Alberta: Qualitative Institute Press.
Blomgren, C. (2002). Exploring terra incognito: A teacher’s use of portrait photography. In S. M. Abbey (Ed.), Ways of knowing in and through the body: Diverse perspectives on embodiment (pp. 29-31). Proceedings of the 4th Bi-annual Summer Institute of the Canadian Association for the Study of Women and Education, Toronto, Ontario. Welland, Ontario: Soleil Publishing.
Holm, G. (1997). Teenage motherhood: Public posing and private thoughts. In J. Jipson & N. Paley (Eds.) Daredevil research: Re-creating analytic practice. New York: Peter lang.
Knowles, J. G., & Thomas, S. (2002). Artistry, imagery, and sense of place. In C. Bagley & M. B. Cancienne (Eds.), Dancing the data. New York: Lesley College Arts and Learning Series and Peter Lang.
Mitchell, C., & Weber, S. (1999). Picture this: Using school photographs to study ourselves. In C. Mitchell & S. Weber, Reinventing ourselves as teachers (pp. 74-123). London, UK; The Falmer Press.
Prosser, J. (Ed.) (1998). Image-based research: A sourcebook for qualitative researchers. London, UK: Falmer Press.
Installation Art Church, K. (1998). The dressmaker. Elm Street, Summer, 55-59.
Church, K. (1999). Fabrications: Clothing, generations and stitching together the history we live. In S. A. Cook, L. R. McLean, & K. O’Rourke (Eds.), Framing our past: Canadian women’s history in the twentieth century (pp. 372-375).Montreal, Quebec/Kingston, Ontario: McGill-Queen’s University press.
Cole, A., & McIntyre, M. with L. Burns (2006). Living and dying with dignity: The Alzheimer’s project. Halifax, NS/Toronto, ON: Backalong Books/Centre for Arts-informed Research.
Cole, A. L., Knowles, J. G., brown, b., & Buttignol, M. (1999). Living in paradox: A multi-media representation of teacher educators’ lives in context. Artist statements from a three-part installation presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Quebec.
Poetry Brady, I. (2003). The time at Darwin’s Reef: Poetic explorations in Anthropology and History. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.
Butler-Kisber, L. (2002). Artful portrayals in qualitative inquiry: The road to found poetry and beyond. The Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 48(3), 229-239.
Cahnmann, M. (2003). The craft, practice, and possibility of poetry in educational research. Educational Researcher, April, 29-36.
Glesne, C. (1997). That rare feeling: Re-presenting research through poetic transcription. Qualitative Inquiry, 3(2), 202-221.
Hussey, C. (in press). Groundhogs and ducks: What else will the poet put in her doctorate? Journal of Critical Inquiry into Curriculum and Instruction.
Leggo, C. (2004). The poet’s corpus: Nine speculations. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 20(2), 65-85.
Peddigrew, B. (2002). The resonant path: poetry as embodied knowing. In S. M. Abbey (Ed.), Ways of knowing in and through the body: Diverse perspectives on embodiment (pp. 203-205). Proceedings of the 4th Bi-annual Summer Institute of the Canadian Association for the Study of Women and Education, Toronto, Ontario. Welland, Ontario: Soleil Publishing.
Richardson, L. (1992). The consequences of poetic representation: Writing the Other, rewriting the Self. In C. Ellis & M. G. Flaherty (Eds.), Investigating subjectivity: research on lived experience (pp. 125-137). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Thomas, S. (2002). Landscapes of embodiment and moments of re-enactment. In S. M. Abbey (Ed.), Ways of knowing in and through the body: Diverse perspectives on embodiment (pp. 236-239). roceedings of the 4th Bi-annual Summer Institute of the Canadian Association for the Study of Women and Education, Toronto, Ontario. Welland, Ontario: Soleil Publishing.
Sameshima, P., & Vandermause, R. (2009). Methamphetamine addiction and recovery: Poetic inquiry to feel. In M. Prendergast, C. Leggo & P. Sameshima (Eds.), Poetic inquiry: Vibrant voices in the social sciences (pp. 275-286). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense.
Sameshima, P., & Sinner, A. (2009).Awakening to soma heliakon: Encountering teacher-researcher-learning in the 21st Century. Canadian Journal of Education, 32(2), 271-284.
Fiction Cole, A. L. (2001). Telling 'inside' stories: The paradox of researcher privilege. In A. L. Cole & J. G. Knowles, Lives in context: The art of life history research (pp. 164-169). Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press (a division of Rowman & Littlefield).
Crowe, R. (2001). Encountering angels through artful inquiry: Lost bodies and wild imagination. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 17(2), 81-94.
Gosse, D. (2005). Jackytar. St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada: Jesperson Publishing.
Kilbourne, B. (1999). Fictional theses. Educational Researcher, 28(9), 27-32.
Leggo, C., & Sameshima, P. (in press). Startling stories: Fiction & reality in artful research. In A . Reid, P. Hart, M. Peters, & C. Reid (Eds.), Companion to research in education. London: Springer.
Neilsen. L. (2002). Learning from the liminal: Fiction as knowledge. The Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 48(3), 206-214.
O’Connor, M. A. (2002). Transformative learning and new paradigm scholarship. In E. O’Sullivan, A. Morrell, & M. A. O’Connor (Eds.), Expanding the boundaries of transformative learning (pp. 241-255). New York: Palgrave.
Saks, A. E. (1996). Viewpoints: Should novels count as dissertations in education? Research in the Teaching of English, 30(4), 402-427.
Sameshima, P. (2007). Seeing Red: A pedagogy of parallax: An epistolary bildungsroman on artful scholarly inquiry. Youngstown, NY: Cambria Press.
Sheilds, C. (2003). Narrative hunger and the overflowing cupboard. In E. Eden & D. Goertz (Eds.). Carol Shields, Narrative hunger, and the possibilities of fiction. Toronto, ON: Universty of Toronto Press.
Performance/Theatre/Readers’ Theatre Butterwick, S. (2002). Your story/my story/our story: Performing interpretation in participatory theatre. The Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 48(3), 240-253.
Cole, A. L., & McIntyre, M. (2001). 'Dance me to an understanding of teaching': A performative text. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 17(2), 43-60.
Conrad, D. (2002). Drama as arts-based pedagogy and research: Media advertising and inner-city youth. The Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 48(3), 254-268.
Donmoyer, R. & Yennie-Donmoyer, J. (1995). Data as drama: Reflections on the use of readers theatre as a mode of qualitative data display. Qualitative Inquiry, (1)4 402-428.
Finley, S., Cole, A. L., Knowles, J. G., & Elijah, R. (2000). Making Mindscapes: Continuing reflections of a community of researchers. Journal of Critical Inquiry into Curriculum and Instruction, 2(2), 7-14.
Garoian, C. R. (2002). Performing a pedagogy of endurance. Teacher Education Quarterly, 29(4), pp. 161-173.
Gray, R. E. (2000). “Graduate school never prepared me for this”: Reflections on the challenges of research-based theatre. Reflective Practice, 1(3), 377-390.
Gray, R., & Sinding, C. (2002). Standing ovation: Performing social science research about cancer. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press
McIntyre, M. (2005). Respect: A reader’s theatre about people who care for people in nursing homes. Halifax, Nova Scotia/Toronto, Ontario: Backalong Books/Cemtre for Arts-informed Research.
McIntyre, M., & Cole, A. (2002). What we care to know: Embodied knowledge in the context of dementia. In S. M. Abbey (Ed.), Ways of knowing in and through the body: Diverse perspectives on embodiment (pp. 185-189). Proceedings of the 4th Bi-annual Summer Institute of the Canadian Association for the Study of Women and Education, Toronto, Ontario. Welland, Ontario: Soleil.
McIntyre, M., & Cole, A. (2007). Love stories about caregiving and Alzheimer’s disease: A performative methodology. Journal of Health Psychology, 13(2), 213-225.
Mienczakowski, J. (1996). An ethnographic act: The construction of consensual theatre. In C. Ellis & A. P.
Bochner (Eds.), Composing ethnography: Alternative forms of qualitative inquiry. Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press.
Saldaña, J. (Ed.) (2005). Ethnodrama: An anthology of reality theatre. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.
Dance Bagley, C., & Cancienne, M. B. (2001). Educational research and inter-textual forms of(re)presentation: The case for dancing the data, Qualitative Inquiry, 7(2), 221-237. Blumenfeld-Jones, D. S. (1995). Dance as a mode of research representation. Qualitative Inquiry, 1(4), 391-401.
Cancienne, M. B., & Snowber, C. (2003). Writing rhythm: Movement as method. Qualitative Inquiry, 9(2), 237-253.
Cancienne, M. B., & Megibow, A. (2001). The story of Anne: Movement as an educative text. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 17(2), 61-72.
Karsemeyer, J., & Karsemeyer, J. (2002). Choreography as inquiry. In S. M. Abbey (Ed.), Ways of knowing in and through the body: Diverse perspectives on embodiment (pp. 146-149). Proceedings of the 4th Bi-annual Summer Institute of the Canadian Association for the Study of Women and Education, Toronto, Ontario. Welland, Ontario: Soleil Publishing.
Music Bauer, M. W. (2000). Analysing noise and music as social data. In M. W. Bauer & G. Gaskell (Eds.), Qualitative researching with text, image and sound: A practical handbook (pp. 263-281). London: Sage.
Mullen, C.A., Diamond, C. T. P., Beattie, M., & Kealy, W. A. (1999). Musical chords: Basic inquiry in four parts. In The postmodern educator: Arts-based inquiries and teacher development (pp. 341-373). New York: Peter Lang.
Schroeder, S. H. (2005). “How can I keep from singing?” Seeking the wisdom of sound. In S. M. Intrator (Ed.). Living the questions: Essays inspired by the work and life of Parker J. Palmer. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Video Pink, S. (2007). Doing visual ethnography 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing.
Rahn, J. (2002),Painting without permission, CT: Bergin and Garvey, Greenwood Press.
Rahn, J. (2002),Community, collaboration, and dialogue: Multimedia curriculum and change in education, In Canadian Review of Art Education, B. White (Ed.), McGill University Press, (pp. 61-90).
Winston, B. (2000). Lies, damn lies and documentaries. London: Publishing British Film Institute.
Radio Rodriguez, C. (2001) Fissures in the mediascape: An international study of citizens’ media. Hampton Press.
Rodriguez, C. (2003) The Bishop and His Star: Citizens’ Communication in Southern Chile. In Nick Couldry and James Curran (eds.) Contesting media power: Alternative media in a networked world. Rowman & Littlefield.
Girard, B. (Ed.) (1992). A passion for radio: Radio waves and community.
Zines Duncombe, S. (1997). Notes from underground: Zines and thepPolitics of alternative culture. London, England: Verso.
Gunderloy, M., & C. Goldberg J. (1992). The world of zines: A guide to the independent magazine revolution. New York City, New York: Penguin Books.
Lovata, T. (2004). Putting Shovel Bum in Context: Why a View From the Shovel Handle Matters. In de Boer, T. (ed.), Shovel Bum: Comix of archaeological field life, (pp. 115-127). Walnut Creek, California: AltaMira Press.
Arts-informed and Arts-based Dissertations Barg, R. M. (2001). Motherwork : Subsistence learning. Unpublished doctoral thesis (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Bastidas, H. (2001). Listen to the (in)mate: A life history, readers theatre (re)presentation of women in Ecuador jails accused of drug trafficking. Unpublished Master’s thesis (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Bowman, V. (2007). Is home care in crisis? A reader’s theatre about issues in home care. Unpublished Master’s thesis (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
brown, b. (1999). Lost bodies and wild imaginations: Telling tales of childhood sexual abuse through artful inquiry Unpublished doctoral thesis (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Davis-Halifax, N. V. (2002). Another form of water: An aesthetic and oblique inquiry into dys-body, solace, and vulnerability. Unpublished doctoral thesis (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
ADVANCE \d4de Freitas, E. (2003). The wrong shoe and other misfits : Fiction writing as reflexive inquiry within a private girls school. Unpublished doctoral thesis (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Dunlop, R. (1999). Boundary Bay: A novel as educational research. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
Fels, L. (1999). In the wind clothes dance on a line:performative inquuiry as a research methodology. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Gosse, D. M. (2005).Breaking silences, an inquiry into identity and the creative research process. Unpublished doctoral thesis (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Grant, C. (2003). Getting it together: Relational learning in a jazz performance context. Unpublished doctoral thesis University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Jongeward, C. (1995). Connecting with creativity: Adult learning through artmaking in a supportive group. Unpublished doctoral thesis (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Karsemeyer, J. (2000). Moved by the spirit: A narrative inquiry. Unpublished doctoral thesis (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.
Kunkel, L. I. (2000). Spiders spin silk: Reflections of missionary kids at midlife Unpublished doctoral thesis (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.
Larabee, R. (2009). (En)compassing heart: A grassroots NGOs navigation towards sustainability. Unpublished Master’s thesis, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.
Lichtblau, D. (2007). Dialectical Play and Dramatic Discourse: Eve, A Counter Myth. Unpublished doctoral thesis (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.
Lipsett, L. M. (2001). On speaking terms again: Transformation of the human-earth relationship through spontaneous painting. Unpublished doctoral thesis (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.
Loi, D. (2005). Lavoretti per bimbi: Playful triggers as keys to foster collaborative practices and workspaces where people learn, wonder, and play. Unpublished doctoral thesis, School of Management, RMIT University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Luciani, T. (2005). On women’s domestic work and knowledge: Growing up in an Italian kitchen. Unpublished doctoral thesis (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.
McIntyre, M (2000). Garden as phenomenon, method and metaphor in the context of health care: An arts informed lifehistory view. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Toronto, Ontario.
Mackie, J. (2001). Embraceable me: Reclaiming voice through reflexive writing and singing. Unpublished Master’s thesis (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.
Maguire, M. (1997). Writing fiction as a form of inquiry : A defense and exploration of fiction writing as a transformative discipline. Unpublished doctoral thesis (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.
Mantas, A. (2004). Becoming AIR-BORNe : Women co-creating, ex-pressing and in-forming our lives Unpublished doctoral thesis (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.
Marín, C. (2005). Breaking down barriers, building dreams: Using theatre for social change to explore the concept of identity with Latina adolescents. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Arizona State University, Tempe.
McIntyre, M. (2000). Garden as phenomenon, method, and metaphor: An arts-informed life history view.. Unpublished doctoral thesis (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.
Medaglia, L. (2008). Cheese donkey on a marble staircase: Stories of passing in the life of an immigrant woman. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Toronto.
Miller, E. (2001). Closing time. Men, identity, vocation and the end of work: A stage play as a representation of lives. Unpublished doctoral thesis (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.
Miller, R. H. M. M. (1999). The vision music of 'casanova' : The personal transformation of a music educator. Unpublished doctoral thesis (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.
Moreman, S. (2005), Performativity and the Latina/o-White hybrid identity: Performing the textual self. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. The University of South Florida, Tampa.
Plett, L. S. (2006). Thinking through our mothers: A sampler quilt of Kleine Gemeinde Mennonite women and country homemakers. Unpublished doctoral thesis (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.
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