If you would like a copy of an article or chapter not available online, please feel free to contact.
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Thank you for your interest in this work.
A Pedagogy of Parallax / Parallaxic Praxis
Curriculum Theorizing: Ways of Knowing / Creativity
Curriculum of Love / Reparative Pedagogy
Poetic Inquiry
Cervical Cancer Screening
Women and Meth
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Juried and Invited Curated Poetry (Printed or Exhibited)
- Tsun Haggary, H., & Sameshima, P. (2023, Dec. 31). Growing snowflakes: Unity in difference. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 20(2-3), 1-8.
- Sameshima, P. (2021, December) Falling towers: A letter to my child's teacher. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 19 (1). 1-10.
- Sameshima, P. (2020, July). The making of resilience. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 18(1). 1-4.
- Sameshima, P. (2018, December). The basic understory: A curriculum of Interrelation. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 16(2), 1-9. *Abstract also in French
- Sameshima, P. (2017, Dec.). Post-truth simulacra: Inviting mutable meaning-making. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 15(2), 1-7.
- Sameshima, P. (2017, July). unFIX me in the red: Re/collections and Re/novations. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 15(1), 1-5.
- Sameshima, P. (2016, Dec.). Corollary effects: Curation of quality, voice & provocation. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 14(2), 1-5.
- Sameshima, P. (2016, July). Weaving vocabularies and counterpoint in Canadian curriculum studies. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 13(2), 1-9.
A Pedagogy of Parallax / Parallaxic Praxis
- Clitero-Eridon, A., Sameshima, P., Cameron, E., Allison, J., Martinez, J. Orasi, T., Hu, C., Strasser, R. (2024, May). Deepening understandings of social accountability using the arts and storytelling. Education for Health, 37(1), 39-49.
- Lyons, D. E., Kumar, P., Roan, N. R., Defechereux, P. A., Feschotte, C., Lange, U., Murthy, N., Sameshima, P., Verdin, E., Ake, J.A., . . . Ott, M. (2023, Oct). HIV-1 remission: Accelerating the path to permanent HIV‑1silencing. Viruses, 15(11) 2171.
- Sameshima, P. (2023, April). An ABER Interview: A pedagogy of parallax to parallaxic praxis. In B. Bickel, R. Irwin & R. Siegesmund (Eds.), Reflections on arts based educational research by authors of outstanding dissertations (pp. 157-169). Studies in Arts Based Educational Research. Springer.
- Cheu, H., Sameshima, P., Strasser, R., Ross, B., Clithero-Eridon, A., Cameron, E., & Hu, C. (2022, Oct. 26). Teaching compassion for social accountability: A parallaxic investigation. Medical Teacher.
- Sameshima, P., & Orasi, T. (2022 Oct.). What’s better than the asynchronous post? Journal of Applied Learning and Teaching.
- Wiebe, S., & Sameshima, P. (2017, Dec.). Generating self: Catechications in poetry. Revista VIS, 16(2). 140-155. ** Abstract also in Portuguese.
- Stock, R. V., Sameshima, P., Slingerland, D. (2016, July). Constructing pre-service teacher identities through processes of parallax. Special Issue: Artful inquiry: Transforming understanding through creative engagement. LEARNing Landscapes, 9(2), 489-512.
- Sameshima, P., Irwin, R. L., Beer, R., Grauer, K., Gu, X, Bickel, B., & Ricketts, K. (2010). Rendering embodied heteroglossic spaces. Journal of Arts and Communities, 1(2), 129-146.
- Sameshima, P., & Sinner, A. (2009). Awakening to soma heliakon: Encountering teacher-researcher-learning in the 21st Century. Canadian Journal of Education, 32(2), 271-284.
- Sameshima, P. (2009). Stop teaching! Hosting an ethical responsibility through a pedagogy of parallax. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 6(1), 11-18.
- Marino, M. T., Sameshima, P., & Beecher, C. C. (2009). Enhancing TPACK with assistive technology: Promoting inclusive practices in preservice teacher education. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 9(2). Retrieved from
- Sameshima, P., & Vandermause, R. (2008). Parallaxic praxis: An artful interdisciplinary collaborative research methodology. In B. Kožuh, R. Kahn & A Kozlowska (Eds.), The practical science of society (pp. 141-152). The College of Education and Human Development & Slovenian Research Agency (AARS).
- Sameshima, P. (2008). Pauline Sameshima’s story, “Seeing Red” (with Patrick Slattery, Howard Gardner, Elliot Eisner, Rebecca Carmi and Gregory Cajete). In Four Arrows aka Don Trent Jacobs (Ed.), The authentic dissertation: Alternative ways of knowing, research and representation (pp. 51-60). Routledge.
- Sameshima, P. (2008). AutoethnoGRAPHIC relationality through paradox, parallax, and metaphor. In S. Springgay, R. L. Irwin, C. Leggo & P. Gouzouasis (Eds.), Being with a/r/tography (pp. 45-56). Sense.
- Sameshima, P. (2007). Seeing Red—a pedagogy of parallax: An epistolary bildungsroman on artful scholarly inquiry. Cambria Press.
Curriculum Theorizing: Ways of Knowing / Creativity
- Gladwin, D., Horst, R., James, K., & Sameshima, P. (2022, July). Imagining futures literacies: A collaborative praxis. Journal of Higher Education, Theory and Practice. 22(7). 1-14.
- Orasi, T., & Sameshima, P. (2022, Feb.). Virtual reality as a vehicle for reimagining creative literacies, research and pedagogical space. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 22(1), 161-174.
- Carter, M., Fischer, B., Shuman, L., Wiebe, S., Howard, P., Sameshima P., Gouzouasis, P., Ricketts, K., & McLarnon, M. (2020, July). Reconceptualizing identity through design thinking and creativity: A Montreal case study. Canadian Art Teacher, 17(1), 24-38.
- Sameshima, P. (2020, May). Foreword. Developing critical mass in arts education research. In B. Andrews (Ed.), Perspectives on arts education research in Canada, Vol. II: Issues and directions (pp. vii-xi). Brill Sense.
- Sameshima, P. (2019). Ma, I’m thinking about nothing. In P. Sameshima, B. White & A. Sinner (Eds.), Ma: Materiality in teaching and Learning (pp. 3-16). Peter Lang.
- Wiebe, S., & Sameshima, P. (2019, Sept.). Emancipatory reaggregation of ‘The Irrational Man’: (Im)moral possibilities of an existential, lived –curriculum. In D. Conrad & M. Prendergast (Eds.), Portrayals of teachers and teaching on stage and in film: Dramatic depictions (pp. 245-255). Intellect Books.
- Glasser, L., Young, E., & Sameshima, (2019). The supermodel astronaut challenge: Traversing frames of mind. Qualitative Research Journal. doi: 10.1108/QRJ-02-2019-0023
- Sameshima, P., & Morchel, P. (2019). Making practice. Visual Arts Research, 45(1), Issue 88, 78-82.
- Sameshima, P., Wiebe, S., & Hayes, M. (2019). Imagination: The generation of possibility. In B. Andrews (Ed.), Perspectives on arts education research in Canada, Volume 1: Surveying the landscape (pp. 19-35). Brill.
- Irwin, R. L., Bickel, B., Triggs, V., Springgay, S., Beer, R., Grauer, K., Gu, X., & Sameshima, P. (2019/2009). The city of Richgate: A/r/tographic cartography as public pedagogy. In M. Carter & V. Triggs (Eds.), Arts education and curriculum studies: The contributions of Rita L. Irwin. Routledge. (Original work published 2009, International Journal of Art and Design Education, 28(1), 61-70.)
- Sameshima, P. (2017, July). Foreword. Those blooming identities: Who are we waiting for? In E. Lyle (Ed.), At the intersection of selves and subject: Exploring the curricular landscape of identity (viii-xiii). Sense.
- Sinner, A., Sameshima, P., & Walker, C. (2015, Aug.) I am older, I should know; but I’m older, so I don’t know: Cindy’s story of returning to learning in art education. Canadian Review of Art Education, 42 (1), 1-21.
- White, B., Sameshima, P., & Sinner, A. (2015, May). Making identity: Perspectives on personal inquiry in teacher education. In S. Schonmann (Ed.), The wisdom of the many: Key issues in arts education, International Yearbook for Research in arts education (Volume 3, pp. 395-399). Waxmann.
- Hayes, M. T., Sameshima, P., & Watson, F. (2015, February). Imagination as method. International Journal of Qualitative Methods Volume 14, 36-52.
- Sameshima, P. (2014). Eknath Easwaran’s 8-point program for spiritual growth through SomaYoga. In Yoga North International Soma Yoga Institute (Ed.), 200 hour Teacher Training Handbook: Meditation and Relaxation (pp. 21-38). Yoga North.
- Sameshima, P. & Greenwood, D. (2014). Visioning the Centre for Place and Sustainability Studies through an embodied aesthetic wholeness. In M. Mueller & D. Greenwood (Eds.), Special issue on Ecological Mindfulness and Cross-Hybrid Learning. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 10(1) 163-176. doi: 10.1007/s11422-014-9615-y
- Sameshima, P. (2014, April 25). Closing triptych. Sustainability Across the Curriculum 3-Day Retreat. Lakehead University.
- Leggo, C., & Sameshima, P. (2014). Startling stories: Fiction & reality in education research. In A. D. Reid, E. P. Hart, & M. A. Peters (Eds.), A companion to research in education (pp. 539-548). Springer.
- Sameshima, P. (2013). A review: Duoethnography: Understanding qualitative research & Duoethnography: Promoting personal and societal change within dialogic self-study. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 11(1), 174-190.
- Sameshima, P. (2010). Living in the amber: Conversations between Red and Greene. In R. Lake (Ed.), Dear Maxine: Letters from the unfinished conversation with Maxine Greene (pp. 140-143). Teachers College Press.
- Prendergast, M., Leggo, C., & Sameshima, P. (Eds.). (2009). Poetic inquiry: Vibrant voices in the social sciences. Sense.
- Sameshima, P. (2009). Cartographic storytelling for a changing world: The pedagogical praxis of home in school. Northwest Passage: Journal of Educational Practices, 1(7), 18-26.
- Sameshima, P. (2008). Letters to a new teacher: A curriculum of embodied aesthetic awareness. Teacher Education Quarterly, 35(2), 29-44
- Sameshima, P. (2008). Navigating a marine drive: A new scholar embarks on an arts-informed dissertation. In J. G. Knowles, A. Cole, L. Neilsen & S. Promislow (Eds.), Creating scholartistry: Imagining the arts-informed thesis or dissertation (Vol. 4, Arts-Informed Inquiry Series, pp. 152 - 168). Backalong Books & Centre for Arts-Informed Research.
- Sameshima, P., & Knowles, J. G. (2008). Into artfulness: Being grounded but unbounded. In J. G. Knowles, A. Cole, L. Neilsen & S. Promislow. (Eds.), Creating scholartistry: Imagining the arts-informed thesis or dissertation (Vol. 4, Arts-Informed Inquiry Series, pp. 108-121). Backalong Books & Centre for Arts-Informed Research.
- Sameshima, P. (2008). Inspiring creativity through embodied aesthetic teaching. In O. S. Tan (Ed.), Problem-based learning and creativity (pp. 87-107). Cengage Learning Asia.
- Wiebe, S., Sameshima, P., Irwin, R., Leggo, C., Gouzouasis, P., & Grauer, K. (2008). Re-imagining arts integration: Rhizomatic relations of the every day. Journal of Educational Thought, 41(2), 263-279.
- Sameshima, P., & Irwin, R. (2008). Rendering dimensions of a liminal currere. Transnational Curriculum Inquiry, 5(2), 1-15.
- Bickel, B., Triggs, V., Springgay, S., Irwin, R., Grauer, K., Gu, X., Beer, R., & Sameshima, P. (2007). Richgate: Transforming public spaces through community engaged art. Amerasia Journal, 33(2), 115-124.
- Sameshima, P. (2007). Seeing shadows in new light: A procatalepsis on narrative inquiry as professional development. (Special issue: Creativity and education: An international perspective), New Horizons in Education 55(3), 10-21.
- Sameshima, P. (2007, Fall). Collaboration as integration—An “embodied aesthetic wholeness”. Curriculum in Context, 3(2), 10-14.
- Sameshima, P. (2007). surRENDERING heART: dRAWing UNDERSTANDING. In J. G. Knowles, A. Cole, L. Neilsen & T. Luciani. (Eds.), The art of visual inquiry (Vol. 3, Arts-Informed Inquiry Series, pp. 53-60). Backalong Books & Centre for Arts-Informed Research.
- Sameshima, P., Sbrocchi, S., & Knowles, J. G. (2007). Views of the visual in theses and dissertations. In J. G. Knowles, A. Cole, L. Neilsen & T. Luciani. (Eds.), The art of visual inquiry (Vol. 3, Arts-Informed Inquiry Series, pp. 327-346). Backalong Books & Centre for Arts- informed Research.
- Sameshima, P. (2007, Fall). Collaboration as integration—An “embodied aesthetic wholeness”. Curriculum in Context, 3(2), 10-14.
- Sameshima, P. (2006, Fall). Household at the shore: A Marshall McLuhan metaphor. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 4(1). 51-58.
- Sameshima, P., von Euw, N., & Bonney, M. (2006, March) Bifocal frameworks for communication: Parental involvement in an elementary classroom. BC Educational Leadership Research. 3.
Curriculum of Love / Reparative Pedagogy
- Sameshima, P. (2023). Foreword. Creating new normals: REPAIR (to go to) and RESPAIR (to hope again). In H. Mreiwed, C. Carter, & S. Hashem (Eds.), Making connections in and through arts-based educational research: Looking back and looking forward (pp. vii-xi). Springer.
- Sameshima, P. (2020, June). Foreword. Ineffable. In W. Zuk, Together, love is not lost (pp. 4-7). Blurb Press.
- Sameshima, P., & Wiebe, S. (2018, Dec). Faith, hope & love: Postscript on interprofessional processes for innovating generation. Canadian Review of Art Education, 45(1). 129-152.
- Sameshima, P. (2018, June 8). Tracing love in parallax. In S. Wiebe (Lead), Re(mixing) curriculum playlists: Responses of synopsis and expansion (pp. 68-70). Curriculum & Pedagogy, 15: 1, 58-105. doi: 10.1080/15505170.2018.1437578
- Sameshima, P., Miyakawa, M., & Lockett, M. (2017, Dec.). Scholarly engagement through making: A response to Arts-Based and Contemplative Practices in Research and Teaching. Revista VIS, 16(2), 45-67. ** Abstract also in Portuguese.
- Sameshima, P. (2017). Enchanting “love-making.” Poetic inquiry: Enchantment of place. (pp. 147-150). Vernon Press.
- Sameshima P., & Slingerland, D. (2015, Aug.). Reparative pedagogy: Empathic aesthetic learning. Canadian Review of Art Education, 42 (1), 23-42.
- Sameshima, P., & Leggo, C. (2013). How do you spell love? Curricular conversations. Creative Approaches to Research 6(1), 89-109.
- Sameshima, P., & Dubel, Y. (2013). Guided by blood trails: Political revelations in learning. In C. Chambers, E. Hasebe-Ludt, C. Leggo, & A. Sinner (Eds.), A heart of wisdom: Life writing as empathetic inquiry (pp. 323-332). Peter Lang.
- Sameshima, P. (2013). Slow love: Living and teaching through Rilke letters. In T Kress & R. Lake (Eds.), We saved the best for you: Letters of hope, imagination and wisdom to 21st century educators (pp. 231-238). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense.
- Sameshima, P. (2012). Living and learning love. In R. Lake (Ed.), Dear Nel: Letters from caring educators (pp. 20-23). Teachers College Press.
- Sameshima, P., & Leggo, C. (2010). The poet’s corpus in love: Passionate pedagogy. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 26(1), 65-81.
- Sameshima, P. (2010). Living in the amber: Conversations between Red and Greene. In R. Lake (Ed.), Dear Maxine: Letters from the unfinished conversation with Maxine Greene (pp. 140-143). Teachers College Press.
Poetic Inquiry
- Sameshima, P. (2023, July). Ann-other collateral. In H. van Rooyen (Ed.), Voices Unbound: Poems of the International Symposium of Poetic Inquiry (pp. 161-163). African Sun Press.
- Sameshima, P. (2023, Feb). Finding my talk: Language as protector. In N. Honein & M. McKeon (Eds.), Reclaiming lands, languages, and belongings: A poetic celebration (179-186). Vernon Press.
- Wiebe, S., & Sameshima, P. (2019). Reframing and reflaming social justice through poetry. In S. Faulkner & A. Cloud (Eds.), Poetry as social justice and political response (223-237) Vernon Press.
- Wiebe, S., & Sameshima, P. (2019, December). Emancipatory reaggregation of ‘The Irrational Man: (Im)moral possibilities of an existential, lived –curriculum. In D. Conrad & M. Prendergast (Eds.), Portrayals of teachers and teaching on stage and in film: Dramatic depictions (pp. 245-255). Intellect Books.
- Wiebe, S., & Sameshima, P. (2018, February). Sympathizing with social justice, poetry of invitation and generation. Art/Research International, 3(1)7-29. doi:
- Sameshima, P., & Wiebe, S. (2018, Dec). Faith, hope & love: Postscript on interprofessional processes for innovating generation. Canadian Review of Art Education, 45(1). 129-152. **Abstract in also French
- Sameshima, P., Fidyk, A., James, K., & Leggo, C. (2017). Poetic inquiry: Past, present, and possibilities. In P. Sameshima, A. Fidyk, K., James, & C. Leggo (Eds.), Poetic inquiry: Enchantment of place. (pp .15-37). Vernon Press.
- Maarhuis, P., & Sameshima, P. (2015, Nov). Materializing the punctum: A poetic study of the Washington State University Clothesline Project. In K. Galvin & M. Prendergast (Eds.), Poetic inquiry II: Seeing, understanding and caring (pp. 279-302). Sense.
- Sameshima, P. (2013). Slow love: Living and teaching through Rilke letters. In T Kress & R. Lake (Eds.), We saved the best for you: Letters of hope, imagination and wisdom to 21st century educators (pp. 231-238). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense.
- Prendergast, M., Leggo, C., & Sameshima, P. (Eds.). (2009). Poetic inquiry: Vibrant voices in the social sciences. Sense.
- Sameshima, P. (2007). surRENDERING heART: dRAWing UNDERSTANDING. In J. G. Knowles, A. Cole, L. Neilsen & T. Luciani. (Eds.), The art of visual inquiry (Vol. 3, Arts-Informed Inquiry Series, pp. 53-60). Backalong Books & Centre for Arts-Informed Research.
- Sameshima, P. (2007). Seeing Red: A pedagogy of parallax. Cambria Press.
- Sameshima, P. (2006, Fall). Household at the shore: A Marshall McLuhan metaphor. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 4(1). 51-58.
Cervical Cancer Screening
- Sameshima, P., Slingerland, D., Wakewich, P., Morrisseau, K., & Zehbe, I. (2017, February). Growing wellbeing through community participatory arts: The Anishinaabek cervical cancer screening study (ACCSS). In G. Barton & M. Baguley (Eds.), The Palgrave handbook of global arts education (pp. 399-416). Palgrave. doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-55585-4
- Zehbe, I., Wakewich, P., Little, J., Burchell, A., Severini, A., Escott, N., Sameshima, P., et al. (2016, May 1). The Anishinaabek cervical cancer screening study (ACCSS): Barriers to and strategies for increasing cervical cancer screening amongst First Nations communities in Northwest Ontario. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada, 38, 503-504. doi: 10.1016/j.jogc.2016.04.080
- Zehbe, I.,Wood, B., Wakewich, P., Wakewich, Maar, M., Escott, N., Afua Juma, N. . . . Sameshima, P. (2015, April). Teaching tools to engage Anishinaabek First Nations women in cervical cancer screening: Report of an educational workshop. Health Education Journal 75(3). doi: 10.1177/0017896915580446
- Zehbe, I., Wakewich, P., Wood, B., Sameshima, P., Banning, Y., Little, J., and on behalf of the ACCSS group (2016). Engaging Canadian First Nations Women in Cervical Screening through Education. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education. Available at:
Women and Meth
- Sameshima, P., Vandermause, R., & Santucci, C. (2012). Motherhood and meth: Ekphrasic intervention. In S. Thomas, A. Cole, & S. Steward (Eds.), The art of poetic inquiry (pp. 187-202, Vol. 5, Arts-Informed Inquiry Series). Backalong Books & Centre for Arts-Informed Research.
- Sameshima, P., & Vandermause, R. (2009). Methamphetamine addiction and recovery: Poetic inquiry to feel. In M. Prendergast, C. Leggo & P. Sameshima (Eds.), Poetic inquiry: Vibrant voices in the social sciences (pp. 275-286). Sense.
- Sameshima, P., & Vandermause, R. (2008). Parallaxic praxis: An artful interdisciplinary collaborative research methodology. In B. Kožuh, R. Kahn & A Kozlowska (Eds.), The practical science of society (pp. 141-152). The College of Education and Human Development & Slovenian Research Agency (AARS).
- Sameshima, P. (with Vandermause R., Santucci, C., and Gilda). (2011). Breathing through music and meth InLand: A journal for teachers of English language arts. 28(1), pp. 20-21.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Sameshima, P., *Katz, R., Shariff, S., Dietzel, C. (2020, Oct.). Novel, educational and legal responses to technology-facilitated sexual violence. AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research.
Sameshima, P. (2007). Seeing Red: A pedagogy of parallax. In S. Thunder-McGuire (Ed.), SRAE Seminar Research in Art Education, Marilyn Zurmuehlen Working Papers in Art Education. Iowa City, IA: School of Art & Art History. - Sameshima, P. (2004, April). Emancipation of our roles. 2004 Association of Management / International Association of Management Conference Proceedings, 1(1). Maximilian Press.
Juried and Invited Curated Poetry (Printed or Exhibited)
- Sameshima, P. (2023, March 31). “Lost name”. Poetry pause and Fresh voices 28. Toronto, ON: The League of Canadian Poets.
- Sameshima, P. (2019, April). “Where are you Harley Dave” in Fresh Voices 16. Toronto, ON: The League of Canadian Poets. Accessed from
- Sameshima, P. (2019, March). “Leaves evergreen” in Collected Haiku [15 poets, Canadian national competition]. Toronto, ON: The League of Canadian Poets.
- Sameshima, P., & Wiebe, S. (2019, September). Reception readings for poems written for diversity: innovation: International innovative printmaking show. Aberystwyth University, Mid Wales.
- Wiebe, S., & Sameshima, P. (2017, August - October). You look into sky; & Cloud herd [poems]. LAIR Gallery, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON.
- Sameshima, P., & Wiebe. (2017, August - October). Siren’s ghost net & Cloud herd [poems]. LAIR Gallery, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON
- Wiebe, S., & Sameshima, P. (2017, June). You look into sky [poem]. Intersections: British Columbia Art Teachers’ Association, 59(1), 13.
- Sameshima, P., & Wiebe. (2017, June). Siren’s ghost net & Cloud herd [poems]. Intersections: British Columbia Art Teachers’ Association, 59(1), 12-13.
- Collaborative poetry writing exhibited with art in B. Zuk (Curator), Diversity, innovation: International printmaking project. Exhibitions at Memorial University, March 2017; The LAIR - Lakehead Arts Integrated Research Gallery, Thunder Bay, ON (June-August, 2017). Sameshima, P., & Wiebe, S. (2017). Cloud herd [Ekphrastic poetry to “My Guiness”, artwork by Nik Semenoff. Poem exhibited with art.]. Wiebe, S., & Sameshima, P. (2017). Still life [Ekphrastic poetry to “Escape”, artwork by Bill Zuk. Poem exhibited with art.]
- Sameshima, P. (2016, Nov. 14). Riddled love [response poem to photo]. In K. Ricketts (Performer), Anthropology of the Discard Exhibition. Arts-Based Research Studio, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
- Collaborative poetry writing exhibited with art in B. Zuk (Curator), Diversity, innovation: International printmaking project. Exhibitions at: Canadian Society for Education and Art, Intersections Conference: David Lam Auditorium, University of Victoria (2016, Oct. 20-22); University Club, University of Victoria (2016, Oct. 23-31); Victoria Ministry of Education 5th Floor Gallery (2016, Nov. 1-30); Memorial University of Newfoundland (2017, Jan 16-Feb. 3). Wiebe, S., & Sameshima, P. (2016). You look into sky [Ekphrastic poetry to “High as a Kite”, artwork by Andrew Baldwin. Poem exhibited with art]. Sameshima, P., & Wiebe, S. (2016). Siren’s Ghost Net [Ekphrastic poetry to “Driftnet Abstraction”, artwork by Jenn Robins. Poem exhibited with art].
- Sameshima, P. (with Vandermause R., Santucci, C., & Gilda). (2011). Breathing through music and meth InLand: A journal for teachers of English language arts, 28(1), 20-21.
- Sameshima, P. (2010, February 25-27). Me and My Kids. [With R. Vandermause. Photography and poetry]. Interdisciplinary Design Institute Gallery, Spokane, Washington State University: 6th International Globalization, Diversity, and Education Conference. Pullman, WA (United States).
- Sameshima, P. (2009, January 1-31). To Soma heliakon. [Canvas images and poetry display with A. Sinner]. Compton Union Art Gallery, Washington State University. Pullman, WA (United States).
- Sameshima, P. (2007, February). Bad Connection [poem]. Inscribed, 2(1).
- Sameshima, P. (2006, September). Embodied learning: Can I forget? Academic Exchange Extra. Poet’s Corner. Kent State University.
- Sameshima, P. (2005, Autumn). A culture of uncontrol. Inkshed. The Canadian Association for the Study of Language and Learning. 22(3).
- Sameshima, P. (2019, Oct.) Reseau de Savoir sur l’Equite | Equity Knowledge Network Northern Team Report.s.
- Møller, H., Wakewich, P., Sameshima, P., & Alzghoul, M. (2018, April). Prenatal Knowledge Xchange: For equity in birthing experiences and outcomes. Executive Summary.
- Magajna, B., Zebhe, I., Wakewich, P., & Sameshima, P. (2016, August). Report on the ACCSS Community Update Gathering. Includes Sameshima poem: How I’m learning in this research project:.
- Sameshima, P. (2012). Arts for Children’s Enrichment Program Assessment, Washington State University.
- Sameshima, P. (2011). Arts for children’s Education Program Assessment, Washington State University.