outreach /impact
2017 Blog on Symposium Presentation: CSSE 2017 Curriculum Playlist
2017 Invitation to International Women's Day panel in tbnewswatch
2016 Dec. Career profile interview on Shaw Channel's Asian Vibe.
2015 Dec. 15. Northern Ontario Medical Journal: “Project overcomes barriers to cancer screening” by Chisholm
Pothier. http://www.nomj.ca/2015/12/15/project-overcomes-barriers-to-cancer-screening.html
2015 Dec. Windspeaker: “Unique art approach increased dialogue about cervical cancer.” Health Watch Compiled by Shari Narine.
2015 Dec. 1. HighBeam Research: “Unique art approach increased dialogue about cervical cancer. ”
2015 Oct. AMMSA: Canada’s National Aboriginal News Source: "Research project overcomes traditional barriers to screening and prevention" by
Chisholm Pothier. Volume 33(9). http://www.ammsa.com/publications/windspeaker/research-project-overcomes-traditional-
2015 Oct. 8. Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Publications: "Research project overcomes traditional barriers to screening and prevention" by Chisholm Pothier. http://www.healthsciencesfoundation.ca/article/research-project-overcomes-traditional-
barriers-to- screening-and-prevention-8111.asp
2015 Oct. 7. Thunder Bay Health Sciences Foundation: Research project overcomes traditional barriers to screening and prevention by Chisholm Pothier. http://www.tbrhsc.net/research-project-overcomes-traditional-barriers-to-screening-and-prevention/
2015 Oct. 7, The Chronical Journal: The Newspaper of the Northwest. Research project overcomes traditional barriers to screening and prevention by Chisholm Pothier. P. A10.
2015 Sept. Faculty of Education News. “Women and Meth” Exhibit interprets life stories of methamphetamine addicts in recovery. http://education.lakeheadu.ca/news/?display=news&nid=141
2015 Sept. 5. CBC News | Thunder Bay Interview. Women and Meth Exhibition Interview with Pauline Sameshima: http://www.cbc.ca/news/women-and-meth-1.3215740
2015 Sept. 5, The Chronicle Journal:The Newspaper of the Northwest (Front Page News). Exhibit humanizes addiction struggle: http://www.chroniclejournal.com/news/local/exhibit-humanizes-addiction-struggle/article_74f1dc34-5380-11e5-bd96- afff0fb512f5.html
2015 Sept. 4, CBC News | Thunder Bay. Women and Meth exhibit sheds light on recovering addicts: Exhibit inspired by Lakehead University research, aims to break down stigma: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/thunder-bay/women-and-meth-exhibit-sheds-light-on- recovering-addicts-1.3216107
2015 Sept. 4, Magic 99.9 CJUK Thunder Bay. Women and Meth Art Exhibit Launches: http://www.magic999.ca/news/1434708463/women- and-meth-art-exhibit-launches
2015 Sept. 4, TBT Newshour. Tbnewswatch.com. News story about Women and Meth Exhibit opening. Scroll to 14.00.
2015 Apr. 13, Faculty of Education News. Dr. Pauline Sameshima and Varainja Stock represent Education at CRC Symposium. http://education.lakeheadu.ca/news/?display=news&nid=131
2014 Nov. 28, The Walleye: Thunder Bay’s Arts & Culture Alternative. A Fusion of Art and Research: Pushing Boundaries with Dr. Pauline Sameshima. http://www.thewalleye.ca/a-fusion-of-art-and-research-pushing-boundaries-with-dr-pauline-sameshima/
2014 Oct. 14, The Chronicle-Journal. Mapping the dementia journey through art. Health Section p. B13.
2014 Sept. 23, The Argus: The Student Voice of Lakehead. Science Meet Art, Art Meet Science: How the Humanities and Sciences Became Friends. http://www.theargus.ca/index.php/archives/16076
2014 Sept. 21, Thunder Bay TV News Watch. Sunday report. Please scroll to 8:02. Coverage and interview of Art Gallery openings on Sept. 18. http://www.tbnewswatch.com/Video/2L57AK3g5t4/TBT-Newshour---September-21,-2014
2014 Sept 19, The Walleye: Thunder Bay’s Arts & Culture Alternative. Art on Campus: LU Opens Three New Galleries
2014 Sept. 19, The Chronicle Journal: The Newspaper of the Northwest. “Talent Shared”, p. 1
2014 Sept. 18, Country 105: Lakehead University Opens Three New Art Galleries.
http://country1053.ca/news/1594278167/lakehead- university-opens-three-new-art-galleries
2014 March 10, The chronicle-Journal: Profs earn research award, p. A3.
2014 March 7, Thunder Bay New Watch: Lakehead Research and Innovation Awards (13.45).
2013 March 25, Thunder Bay News Watch: Canada Research Chair Press Release.
2012 March 29, Research Updates Blog: "Check out our research talent at the 2012 Academic Showcase" by Mike Trevisan.
2011 March 24, WSU Today: "Canadian consul commends U. S. innovation, creativity" by Hope Belli Tinney.
2011 March 24, The Daily Evergreen: "WSU celebrates Canada Day" by Kaitlin Gillespie.
2009 Nov. 3, WSU Today: “Artistic perspective shed light on meth addiction” by Hope Belli Tinney.
2008 April 11, WSU Today: “Beyond science: Team explores experience of addiction” by Hope Belli Tinney, p. 1 & 8.
2008 Spring. Spiritual Wellbeing Tip. Play: Inspiring active healthy living. Washington State University, University Recreation, 3(1), 4.
2007 June 4. The net can show the right steps. Spokesman Review, p. 12.
2007 May 31. 'The Sameshima stomp:' Cyber-dancin’ and designing.SpokesmanReview.com.
Lakehead Advertisement
2014 Winter, Lakehead University advertisement for re:porter: The journal of Porter Airlines. Issue 41, 44 (Dec. 2014 / Jan. 2015). https://s3.amazonaws.com/porterweb/Content/reporter/41.pdf (p. 44)
Extended story at https://www.lakeheadu.ca/research-and-innovation/about/research-news/research-
Magazine Article Feature
2015 January. Education Exchange Newsletter: CRC Profile: Encouraging wellness through the arts. p. 11.
2008 Fall. Education News: “Pauline Sameshima: Putting the ‘self’ into learning”
2012 April, WSU Center for Civic Engagement: Excellence in Civic Engagement Award
2012 April 25, WSU College of Education, EduCoug. "Golden grads, bright grins" by Julie Titone. Additional Shutterfly images by Julie Titone: https://wsueducation.shutterfly.com/1364#1372
2012 April 9, WSU College of Education, EduCoug. "Students help teachers by reviewing online learning resources" by Julie Titone
2011 June 28, WSU Today: "Art ambassadors: Teens learn so they can teach back home" by Richard H. Miller
2011 June 26, The Daily Evergreen: "WSU arts program recommended for grant" by Christine Rushton
2011 Class project/video "We have the Power!" is described in bestseller Jane McGonigal's book, Reality is broken: Why games make us better and how they can change the world (Kindle location 5366-5367, Penguin Press)
2011 January 21, College of Education, EduCoug "Doubly good news for Cultural Studies": Announcement of Patricia Maarhuis' publication
2010 July 19, College of Education, EduCoug. "Teens spread anti-meth message" by Julie Titone
2010 April 4, The Daily Evergreen: "Lecture offers insight into native art" by Amanda Guay. Also published in Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization: Aboriginals of Australia: Museum Shows Contemporary Natives' Art and Kibaki News
2008 December, WSU College of Education News: Arts enliven learning: An article about the Holiday Card Contest.
2008 November 5, WSU Today, Front page news: Arts integration students create a Safe Space Symbol in Arts Integration course in response news on campus
2008 November, Arts integration students participate in an online game on sustainability and create a YouTube video – Runner up or the Buzz Award
2008 May 1, WSU College of Education News: “Aspiring teachers create winning children’s books” by Julie Titone [Both winners created their books as an assignment in the Fine Arts Integration course]
2008 March 5, The Daily Evergreen: “Graduate student wins award for study of curriculum” by Jimmy Blue, p. 3.
2008 February 25, WSU Today: “Prestigious Award: Doctoral student to receive award” by Julie Titone
2008 January 18, WSU Today: "Aligning Actions: Faculty philosophies cut clutter, create aim" by Hope Belli Tinney, p. 4.
2007 Student art submitted to a juried show. Mentorship of student in juried art show: Moscow-Pullman Daily News, December 20, 2007. Online version, posted December 18, 2007. Subscription necessary for access.
2012 February 22, Third Street Gallery Reception announcement. Moscow Idaho Chamber of Commerce
2008 January 25, The Argonaut, University of Idaho."Art brightens darker days" by Meagan Robertson. Arts and Culture.
2007 December 20, Moscow-Pullman Daily News. “Winter-themed art show heats up Third Street Gallery” by Omie Drawhorn. Pulse: Arts and Leisure Section. p. 5.
2007 November 22, Moscow-Pullman Daily News Arts Briefs” Web gallery features work of WSU arts educator”
2007 November 14, WSU Today Online: “Web gallery features art educator’s work” by Julie Titone.
2007 November 13, Washington State University News: “Web gallery features work of WSU arts educator” by Julie Titone.
2007 March, The Artist’s Life: “Collaborative murals: Canadian artists create a union of paintings and painters” by Lisa Wurster: p. 14.
2007 January/February, Wildlife Art, “State of the art: 140 artists create conservation mural”: p. 46,
2006 July 26, CPAWS (Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society) News. “Mural Mosaic unveiled”
Arts For Children's Enrichment (ACE) Project
2012 Project website
2012 March. Uncovering Hidden Talents and New Interest Through Art. Unique Collaboration between 4-H and WSU Instructors Brings Creativity and Cultural Awareness by Betsy Fradd.
2011 August 2, WSU News: World expands kids at 4-H camp – Art ambassadors: Teens learn so they can each back home by
Richard H. Miller.
2011 June 27. The Daily Evergreen: WSU arts program recommended for grant. Written by Christine Rushton.
2011 Spring/Summer. CLA Sparks Creativity in Washington Youth. Nexus, college of Liberal Arts. WSU.
2017 Invitation to International Women's Day panel in tbnewswatch
2016 Dec. Career profile interview on Shaw Channel's Asian Vibe.
2015 Dec. 15. Northern Ontario Medical Journal: “Project overcomes barriers to cancer screening” by Chisholm
Pothier. http://www.nomj.ca/2015/12/15/project-overcomes-barriers-to-cancer-screening.html
2015 Dec. Windspeaker: “Unique art approach increased dialogue about cervical cancer.” Health Watch Compiled by Shari Narine.
2015 Dec. 1. HighBeam Research: “Unique art approach increased dialogue about cervical cancer. ”
2015 Oct. AMMSA: Canada’s National Aboriginal News Source: "Research project overcomes traditional barriers to screening and prevention" by
Chisholm Pothier. Volume 33(9). http://www.ammsa.com/publications/windspeaker/research-project-overcomes-traditional-
2015 Oct. 8. Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Publications: "Research project overcomes traditional barriers to screening and prevention" by Chisholm Pothier. http://www.healthsciencesfoundation.ca/article/research-project-overcomes-traditional-
barriers-to- screening-and-prevention-8111.asp
2015 Oct. 7. Thunder Bay Health Sciences Foundation: Research project overcomes traditional barriers to screening and prevention by Chisholm Pothier. http://www.tbrhsc.net/research-project-overcomes-traditional-barriers-to-screening-and-prevention/
2015 Oct. 7, The Chronical Journal: The Newspaper of the Northwest. Research project overcomes traditional barriers to screening and prevention by Chisholm Pothier. P. A10.
2015 Sept. Faculty of Education News. “Women and Meth” Exhibit interprets life stories of methamphetamine addicts in recovery. http://education.lakeheadu.ca/news/?display=news&nid=141
2015 Sept. 5. CBC News | Thunder Bay Interview. Women and Meth Exhibition Interview with Pauline Sameshima: http://www.cbc.ca/news/women-and-meth-1.3215740
2015 Sept. 5, The Chronicle Journal:The Newspaper of the Northwest (Front Page News). Exhibit humanizes addiction struggle: http://www.chroniclejournal.com/news/local/exhibit-humanizes-addiction-struggle/article_74f1dc34-5380-11e5-bd96- afff0fb512f5.html
2015 Sept. 4, CBC News | Thunder Bay. Women and Meth exhibit sheds light on recovering addicts: Exhibit inspired by Lakehead University research, aims to break down stigma: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/thunder-bay/women-and-meth-exhibit-sheds-light-on- recovering-addicts-1.3216107
2015 Sept. 4, Magic 99.9 CJUK Thunder Bay. Women and Meth Art Exhibit Launches: http://www.magic999.ca/news/1434708463/women- and-meth-art-exhibit-launches
2015 Sept. 4, TBT Newshour. Tbnewswatch.com. News story about Women and Meth Exhibit opening. Scroll to 14.00.
2015 Apr. 13, Faculty of Education News. Dr. Pauline Sameshima and Varainja Stock represent Education at CRC Symposium. http://education.lakeheadu.ca/news/?display=news&nid=131
2014 Nov. 28, The Walleye: Thunder Bay’s Arts & Culture Alternative. A Fusion of Art and Research: Pushing Boundaries with Dr. Pauline Sameshima. http://www.thewalleye.ca/a-fusion-of-art-and-research-pushing-boundaries-with-dr-pauline-sameshima/
2014 Oct. 14, The Chronicle-Journal. Mapping the dementia journey through art. Health Section p. B13.
2014 Sept. 23, The Argus: The Student Voice of Lakehead. Science Meet Art, Art Meet Science: How the Humanities and Sciences Became Friends. http://www.theargus.ca/index.php/archives/16076
2014 Sept. 21, Thunder Bay TV News Watch. Sunday report. Please scroll to 8:02. Coverage and interview of Art Gallery openings on Sept. 18. http://www.tbnewswatch.com/Video/2L57AK3g5t4/TBT-Newshour---September-21,-2014
2014 Sept 19, The Walleye: Thunder Bay’s Arts & Culture Alternative. Art on Campus: LU Opens Three New Galleries
2014 Sept. 19, The Chronicle Journal: The Newspaper of the Northwest. “Talent Shared”, p. 1
2014 Sept. 18, Country 105: Lakehead University Opens Three New Art Galleries.
http://country1053.ca/news/1594278167/lakehead- university-opens-three-new-art-galleries
2014 March 10, The chronicle-Journal: Profs earn research award, p. A3.
2014 March 7, Thunder Bay New Watch: Lakehead Research and Innovation Awards (13.45).
2013 March 25, Thunder Bay News Watch: Canada Research Chair Press Release.
2012 March 29, Research Updates Blog: "Check out our research talent at the 2012 Academic Showcase" by Mike Trevisan.
2011 March 24, WSU Today: "Canadian consul commends U. S. innovation, creativity" by Hope Belli Tinney.
2011 March 24, The Daily Evergreen: "WSU celebrates Canada Day" by Kaitlin Gillespie.
2009 Nov. 3, WSU Today: “Artistic perspective shed light on meth addiction” by Hope Belli Tinney.
2008 April 11, WSU Today: “Beyond science: Team explores experience of addiction” by Hope Belli Tinney, p. 1 & 8.
2008 Spring. Spiritual Wellbeing Tip. Play: Inspiring active healthy living. Washington State University, University Recreation, 3(1), 4.
2007 June 4. The net can show the right steps. Spokesman Review, p. 12.
2007 May 31. 'The Sameshima stomp:' Cyber-dancin’ and designing.SpokesmanReview.com.
Lakehead Advertisement
2014 Winter, Lakehead University advertisement for re:porter: The journal of Porter Airlines. Issue 41, 44 (Dec. 2014 / Jan. 2015). https://s3.amazonaws.com/porterweb/Content/reporter/41.pdf (p. 44)
Extended story at https://www.lakeheadu.ca/research-and-innovation/about/research-news/research-
Magazine Article Feature
2015 January. Education Exchange Newsletter: CRC Profile: Encouraging wellness through the arts. p. 11.
2008 Fall. Education News: “Pauline Sameshima: Putting the ‘self’ into learning”
2012 April, WSU Center for Civic Engagement: Excellence in Civic Engagement Award
2012 April 25, WSU College of Education, EduCoug. "Golden grads, bright grins" by Julie Titone. Additional Shutterfly images by Julie Titone: https://wsueducation.shutterfly.com/1364#1372
2012 April 9, WSU College of Education, EduCoug. "Students help teachers by reviewing online learning resources" by Julie Titone
2011 June 28, WSU Today: "Art ambassadors: Teens learn so they can teach back home" by Richard H. Miller
2011 June 26, The Daily Evergreen: "WSU arts program recommended for grant" by Christine Rushton
2011 Class project/video "We have the Power!" is described in bestseller Jane McGonigal's book, Reality is broken: Why games make us better and how they can change the world (Kindle location 5366-5367, Penguin Press)
2011 January 21, College of Education, EduCoug "Doubly good news for Cultural Studies": Announcement of Patricia Maarhuis' publication
2010 July 19, College of Education, EduCoug. "Teens spread anti-meth message" by Julie Titone
2010 April 4, The Daily Evergreen: "Lecture offers insight into native art" by Amanda Guay. Also published in Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization: Aboriginals of Australia: Museum Shows Contemporary Natives' Art and Kibaki News
2008 December, WSU College of Education News: Arts enliven learning: An article about the Holiday Card Contest.
2008 November 5, WSU Today, Front page news: Arts integration students create a Safe Space Symbol in Arts Integration course in response news on campus
2008 November, Arts integration students participate in an online game on sustainability and create a YouTube video – Runner up or the Buzz Award
2008 May 1, WSU College of Education News: “Aspiring teachers create winning children’s books” by Julie Titone [Both winners created their books as an assignment in the Fine Arts Integration course]
2008 March 5, The Daily Evergreen: “Graduate student wins award for study of curriculum” by Jimmy Blue, p. 3.
2008 February 25, WSU Today: “Prestigious Award: Doctoral student to receive award” by Julie Titone
2008 January 18, WSU Today: "Aligning Actions: Faculty philosophies cut clutter, create aim" by Hope Belli Tinney, p. 4.
2007 Student art submitted to a juried show. Mentorship of student in juried art show: Moscow-Pullman Daily News, December 20, 2007. Online version, posted December 18, 2007. Subscription necessary for access.
2012 February 22, Third Street Gallery Reception announcement. Moscow Idaho Chamber of Commerce
2008 January 25, The Argonaut, University of Idaho."Art brightens darker days" by Meagan Robertson. Arts and Culture.
2007 December 20, Moscow-Pullman Daily News. “Winter-themed art show heats up Third Street Gallery” by Omie Drawhorn. Pulse: Arts and Leisure Section. p. 5.
2007 November 22, Moscow-Pullman Daily News Arts Briefs” Web gallery features work of WSU arts educator”
2007 November 14, WSU Today Online: “Web gallery features art educator’s work” by Julie Titone.
2007 November 13, Washington State University News: “Web gallery features work of WSU arts educator” by Julie Titone.
2007 March, The Artist’s Life: “Collaborative murals: Canadian artists create a union of paintings and painters” by Lisa Wurster: p. 14.
2007 January/February, Wildlife Art, “State of the art: 140 artists create conservation mural”: p. 46,
2006 July 26, CPAWS (Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society) News. “Mural Mosaic unveiled”
Arts For Children's Enrichment (ACE) Project
2012 Project website
2012 March. Uncovering Hidden Talents and New Interest Through Art. Unique Collaboration between 4-H and WSU Instructors Brings Creativity and Cultural Awareness by Betsy Fradd.
2011 August 2, WSU News: World expands kids at 4-H camp – Art ambassadors: Teens learn so they can each back home by
Richard H. Miller.
2011 June 27. The Daily Evergreen: WSU arts program recommended for grant. Written by Christine Rushton.
2011 Spring/Summer. CLA Sparks Creativity in Washington Youth. Nexus, college of Liberal Arts. WSU.