No criteria or rubrics. See examples and complete accordingly) 10% Artist Study Page (You are doing a sculpture study. Here is a link to ideas for formatting) 25% Community Project (See below)
Rubrics are provided with the assignment explanation
Pullman Aquatic Center Service Project (in lieu of the video project/field guide?) Safety tip ideas: 1. Seek out shade, slip on a shirt, slap on a hat and sunglasses, slop on sunscreen (sometimes referred to as Slip, Slap, Slop) 2. Boating safety – be weather wise, use safe speeds in crowded areas, develop a float plan, make proper use of life jackets a. Don’t just pack it, wear your jacket 3. Swim safety a. Think so you don’t sink b. Look before you leap c. Be cool, follow the rules d. Swim with a buddy in a supervised area
The fancy quotes are used by some of our training agencies. I don’t think they are copyrighted, but rather industry accepted quotes. The group (and or individuals) can also come up with some catchy acronyms, phrases, or quotes to get similar messages across. I’ve attached our logo, slogan, and faceless family (the colored version that we now use). We have struggled to create a “greyhound” that looks aquatic friendly. In fact, we’d love to have a whole family of greyhounds (cute ones, in bathing suits) that can be our mascot. So if any students want to tackle that project…bring ‘em on!
Previous Assignments Field Guide (seeexample pdfanddoc file) How To Video Animoto All-Access pass: a4esamee52a35 If you want to buy your own All-access pass to create your own videos. Click on the Animoto logo to get to the free access.