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PhD student Holly Tsun Haggarty has won a Graduate Student Award from the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (an association of Canadian Society for the Study of Education) for her Master’s thesis, entitled “Resisting Positivism: Unfolding The Epistemological Basis of Two Arts-Integrating Research Methodologies, Arts Based Research and A/r/tography.” Holly’s thesis explores how an arts practice may be considered a research methodology and a way of knowing. Her research was supervised by Dr. Pauline Sameshima with committee member Dr. Don Kerr. Holly is continuing her research into the philosophical basis of arts-integrating methodologies in her current PhD studies. One of the judges commented that Holly’s thesis inquiry "is excellently conceived and constructed - the level of scholarship and writing outstanding…[with] witty, reflexive poetry integrated throughout." Another noted that Holly “brings a balanced and powerful methodological synthesis to bear on this inquiry, which appropriately combines critical, creative and heuristic approaches.” Congratulations, Holly, on this award!
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June 2024